
It is natural to be interested in information. We would like to provide this information for you according to certain rules. On the following pages you will find information about data protection and the general terms and conditions when handling data on this site.

Ján Jonáša 1
843 02 Bratislava 49
Slovak Republic

Phone +421 2 6964 1111
Fax +421 2 6964 2303

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:

Dr. Christian Vollmer

Board of directors:

Wolfram Kirchert • Chairman

Agnieszka Olenderek

Kai-Stefan Linnenkohl


Registered office: Bratislava,
Slovak Republic, EU
Company ID: 35 757 442
Tax ID: SK2020220862
Commercial Register of the Municipal Court Bratislava III
Section: Sa, Insert No.: 1973/B

Data protection

All texts, images, audio files and other published information, with the exception of marked articles, are copyright of Volkswagen AG and/or Volkswagen Slovakia. Any reproduction, translation or reuse in whole or in part is prohibited without the prior written consent of Volkswagen AG and/or Volkswagen Slovakia. The use of images is only permitted for personal use.

The fact that a sign is not marked as a trade mark cannot be interpreted as meaning that this sign is not a registered trade mark and/or that this sign may be used without the prior written consent of VOLKSWAGEN AG or Volkswagen Slovakia.

General terms and conditions

This website is operated by Volkswagen Slovakia and contains a main page (or first page) and all other webpages on this website.

Volkswagen Slovakia welcomes and allows, according to the following rules, the creation of legally correct links, or links from the Internet to the home page of this website.

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the creation of ‟deep links” from the Internet to the Volkswagen Slovakia homepage is admissible only if express written consent has been given; here it must be noted that it is essential and fundamental to Volkswagen Slovakia that the user maintains access to the sources of information on this website only via the home page. The home page of this website contains important information; Volkswagen Slovakia has a legitimate interest in providing this information to every Internet user before accessing other sources of information (including repeated access) on this website; therefore, any creation of links or hyperlinks to webpages of this website which bypass the home page of this website are prohibited.

The creation of hyperlinks/pages to  through regular search engines (Yahoo, Google etc.) is permissible in all cases. 

Volkswagen Slovakia reserves the right, at any time and in any manner, to change these restrictions without stating a reason.

Volkswagen Slovakia does not assume responsibility for damages and deficiencies of any type or legal nature that result from hyperlinking/creating links that are in conflict with the restrictions.

Volkswagen Slovakia reserves the right, without stating reasons, to prohibit hyperlinking/creating links for specific persons, companies, organizations, groups of people and/or groups of companies, or prohibit them from visiting certain web content, web pages or websites.

The creation of direct or indirect links to this website which are related to any legally inadmissible, immoral, politically radical, discriminatory, criminal, offensive information, web content, websites or web pages is prohibited under all circumstances.

Volkswagen Slovakia reserves the right to proceed with legal action against any breach of the restrictions at any time and by any technical and legal means at its disposal. 

Information about the processing of personal data

Pursuant to Section 10(2) of Act No. 122/2013 Coll. on the Protection of Personal Data, the legal basis for the processing of personal data is a separate law (Labour Code). In this case, the personal data of the job applicant is therefore processed without the consent of the person concerned. The job applicant declares that he/she is providing truthful, correct and up-to-date personal data and is aware that the operator shall process the personal data of job applicants entered into the E-Recruiting electronic system for the necessary extent and time (if the job applicant has not been active on his/her account for the past 6 months, the account shall be deleted) for the purpose of registering job applicants.